When your dog runs away – first steps to take

When your dog runs away – first steps to take

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The other day, a friend called in a panic…her sweet lab had escaped from his yard and she couldn’t find him anywhere.  That is every pet parent’s worst fear…your 4-Legged Kid disappears.  Well, my friend didn’t know what to do.  Fortunately for her, her “baby” was microchipped and wearing an identification collar.  Animal Control found him and called the next morning…a happy reunion occurred a bit later.   I thought this would be a perfect time to share suggestions on what to do when your dog runs away.


  • Make sure he has a collar with identification on it…his name, your address, your home phone number and a cell phone number.
  • Make sure his rabies tag is attached to his collar.  The number on his rabies tag is linked directly to your veterinarian, who has all your contact information.
  • Make sure to microchip your pet.  This is used as a backup identification, in case your pet loses his collar.   Veterinarians, Animal Control, and all animal shelters have scanners and check all found pets, so that they can contact pet parents.


  • Social media can be useful…if you have a Facebook or Twitter account, make sure to immediately post a picture of your 4-Legged Kid.  The picture can be quickly forwarded and shared across town.
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/stlouispets is a good local resource to post your pet information
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/STLMOlostfoundpaws is another very active Facebook group to post your pet information
  • Make lots of posters…put these all over your neighborhood. Typically a dog will be found within 2 miles of your home.
  • Call neighbors…most likely your pet is still nearby.
  • Call local veterinarians, animal control and animal shelters and leave word with them.  If someone finds a lost pet, these are typically places they will bring the pet.

St. Louis has a wonderful resource to help reunite Pet Parents and their 4-Legged Kids. www.stllostpets.org was created as a collaboration of the APA, St. Louis Animal Control and the Human Society.   Residents can list lost and found pets.  These three organizations take in 90% of lost pets in the St. Louis area, so this is a great resource to try.

Hopefully these tips will help you be prepared, just in case your 4-Legged Kid wanders off.

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