Overnight Pet Sitting in St. Louis

Bed & Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast

Our Bed & Breakfast service provides a flexible schedule with approximately two hours for your pet’s needs in the evening. We can provide a meal, go for a long walk, and give extra playtime and snuggle time before we tuck them in for the night. We return in the morning for breakfast to get the day started right. You can schedule additional visits separately during the day if required.
Bed & Breakfast


Can’t get much closer than this. Snuggled up under the covers together…yes we have been farted on by your dogs before and we are cool with it. We are their bed-buddies if they choose and we are the last thing they see at night and the first thing they see in the morning. Breakfast included! We do require either our Standard Travel Pet Visit or our Extended Visit add-ons during the day if you have dogs (as many as you want!) to make sure they don’t get bored waiting for us.